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Ep. 72: The Quest for City Council

Parks n Wrecked Logo - A podcast about Parks and Rec

Listen to “The Quest for City Council” on Spreaker.

It’s the start of the year but the end of the season – the time has finally come to vote for city council. Will Leslie defeat Bobby Newport? Can Ben Wyatt handle a drink of whiskey, neat? What kind of alternate career options are available for Andy and April? How many times did Chris Traeger and Jen Barkley have sex in one night? Are Ann and Tom really getting back together?

We’ve got questions of our own, too. Will Sean pass out during the episode due to allergies? Will Haleigh defeat Sean in the season’s trivia? Is Malort the worst drink ever? Will Sean try a new sport in 2020? And is he truly a Hufflepuff? Is it even worth it to watch a New Year’s Eve celebration? Can Sean flex his fingers at all?

Find out the answers plus a lot more in our first episode of the new year!

S4, E22: Win, Lose, or Draw

Karbach Brewing Company Chocolate Stout

Goals for 2020

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Ep. 71: Bert Macklin and the Pie Bandit

Parks n Wrecked Logo - A podcast about Parks and Rec

Listen to “Bert Macklin and the Pie Bandit” on Spreaker.

It’s our last episode of the year (and decade, some might say)! Leslie and Bobby Newport have a nice chat, even though her tour bus interrupted a memorial for his late father. He’s so forgiving, that Bobby Newport. Chris Traeger needs to keep moving forever or else he’ll dissolve into a pit of darkness. Tom showcases a bit of his entrepreneurial mind with a snazzy alcohol-flavored yogurt concept called Yogurt Platinum.

Mike O’Malley’s here too, though, we like him better as the host of Guts and Global Guts. And this episode features one of Joey’s favorite scenes, when Andy Dwyer – as Bert Macklin – recreates Jerry getting pied by a rogue attacker.

We also discuss whether you can send CBD products through the mail, brazenly forget what the point of the S.S. Anne is in the original Pokemon games, and dive deep into the stats of the different Legends of the Hidden Temple teams. Very topical, as the show is about to get a reboot. Also, Sean dazzles us with his AMAZING Rodney Dangerfield impression, as well as a few other good ones he’s kept hidden up his sleeve.

Here are some of Joey’s impressions, too. They’re very bad. Haleigh and Sean each share mischievous stories regarding pianos.

S4, E21: Bus Tour

Two Roots Brewing Co. Stout-Inspired Cannabis-Infused Beverage (but this one isn’t infused with anything)

Moments of 2019

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Ep. 70: A Good Old Fashioned Political Debate

Parks n Wrecked Logo - A podcast about Parks and Rec

Listen to “A Good Old Fashioned Political Debate” on Spreaker.

It’s time for a debate! Leslie Knope and Bobby Newport are joined by Pawnee mainstays like Brandi Maxxxx and Fester Trim. We also talk about a bunch of movies, especially when it’s someone’s finest role! That whole conversation is inspired by Andy acting out movies during the live telecast of the debate, because he conveniently forgot to pay the cable bill. *Cue obnoxious laughter*

Meanwhile, Sean is triggered by many things throughout this episode. He strongly dislikes Perd Hapley (the nerve!), thinks Bobby Newport is the dumb Parks and Rec version of Michael Scott (understandable) and continues to be baffled by the Tom and Ann relationship (aren’t we all).

Haleigh also gets down a rabbit hole with all the Tom Hanks kids. Finally, Sean perhaps went on a firing spree at work, or maybe he just fed them Olive Garden.

S4, E20: The Debate

Market Pantry Eggnog with Flor de Caña Rum

Movies Joey Could Act Out

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Ep. 69: Is Leslie Knope a Dog Murderer?

Parks n Wrecked Logo - A podcast about Parks and Rec

Listen to “Is Leslie Knope a Dog Murderer?” on Spreaker.

What a nice episode! The crew is recovering from all that Thanksgiving goodness, though there aren’t any turkeys on this episode. Unless you count your hosts, heyo! Jen Barkley is back and she’s accusing Leslie of being a dog murderer. To avoid that terrible accusation, Leslie adopts MANY pets from the shelter. And that means we’re having a puppy party at the park! Meanwhile, Chris and Ron go to meditate next to a Greek restaurant with the perfect name: Achilles Meal.

Plus, Sean has finally tried White Claw. Is he as obsessed as everyone else? We’ve also mentioned Peanut Butter Twix many times on this podcast, but Haleigh and Sean have never tried it (and Joey hasn’t tasted it in, like, 18 years). Sounds like the perfect time for a live on-air taste test! ASMR fans will LOVE this one. Finally, we have an update on Sean’s enemy at work!

S4, E19: Live Ammo

Shiner Day Quencher Session Ale + Austin Eastciders Rose

Thanksgiving Dishes

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Ep. 68: Is It Strange to Read a Book Alone at a Restaurant?

Parks n Wrecked Logo - A podcast about Parks and Rec

Listen to “Is It Strange to Read a Book Alone at a Restaurant?” on Spreaker.

Leslie gets blitzed, which would normally be a lot of fun. But unfortunately, she’s gotta go to the Pawnee Airport to do an interview with Buddy Wood, played ably by Sean Hayes of Will and Grace fame. Meanwhile, Tom and Ann try to set a record for the most consecutive hours of dating (their current high is 47 straight hours).

Plus, a lot of random Seinfeld references, Sean is on a tough streak in our weekly trivia, and Joey shares some fun broadcasting terms. We also dive into the highly accurate phrase “it ain’t government work if you don’t have to do it twice” and discuss if it’s strange to read a book alone at a bar or restaurant. Also, Haleigh was on the radio! It’s like a podcast but live.

Finally, Sean takes us inside some DRAMA at his job. It’s a true parks and rec spectacular!

S4, E18: Lucky

Martinelli’s Cider with a Twist of Rum

Hot Tub Moments

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Ep. 67: Jen Barkley is Shaking Things Up!

Parks n Wrecked Logo - A podcast about Parks and Rec

Listen to “Jen Barkley is Shaking Things Up!” on Spreaker.

We got new POP filters, y’all. And how fitting, because this episode is poppin’ with new character Jennifer Barkley. She’s leading the campaign for Bobby Newport and has become quite the thorn in Leslie Knope’s side. She and Ben Wyatt are trying to get the support of the elderly community, but Jen Barkley always seems to be two steps ahead. How can they persevere?

Meanwhile, the citizens of Pawnee can’t stop putting their entire mouths on water fountains. Ann and the crew try to solve the issue, and thanks to some creative thinking from April, the job gets done. Will that lead to a promotion for April? We’ll JUST HAVE TO FIND OUT.

Plus we’re talking how easily new phones can break, express our amazement at how quickly Sean can slam 11 cookies from McDonald’s, and chat about some of the best classic Britney Spears songs. Sean still doesn’t appreciate how Perd Hapley speaks, but on the plus side, he comes through with a last-second Top 5 shake up! We dive into our favorite shakes. YUM.

S4, E17: Campaign Shake-Up

Shiner Premium

Types of Milkshakes

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Ep. 66: The Sweetest Sweet Sixteen

Parks n Wrecked Logo - A podcast about Parks and Rec

Listen to “The Sweetest Sweet Sixteen” on Spreaker.

Jerry’s celebrating his 64th birthday (aka his Sweet Sixteen) and the gang is excited! Just kidding, they totally forgot. Meanwhile, Leslie is doing too much multitasking between her campaign and parks and rec duties, leading to lots of hilarious misadventures. We get lots of Champion in this episode, which is always a plus. And we learn a fun fact about Donna this episode, and it’s a huge part of our trivia. HOW FUN!

Tom and Ann are dating and it’s making Sean FURIOUS. Perhaps swayed by Champion’s screen time, our own pup mascot Franxie is trying to make appearances on this episode, too – you may hear her barking in the background. That’s very sweet of her. We also teach you about Trifecta, a terrific drinking game you can play at your next house party or social gathering.

Sweet Sixteen

Mighty Swell Cherry Lime

Lakehouse Activities

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Ep. 65: This is Halloween, This is Halloween

Parks n Wrecked Logo - A podcast about Parks and Rec

Listen to “This is Halloween, This is Halloween!” on Spreaker.

This is Halloween! This is Halloween! Sean is in charge of this spooktacular bonus episode, and you can bet there are plenty of treats. Namely in the form of several fun Halloween-themed lists!

Play along at home as we chat our favorite Halloween movies (Sean is really curious what everyone thinks about Casper the Friendly Ghost), top Halloween costumes we’ve actually worn, Joey shares tips for dealing with a potential Vampire, and we make a playlist of terrifically ghoulish tunes.

Plus different ridiculous flavored Oreos, the first time we remember being scared by a movie, and a whole host of other goodies. It’s a ghoulishly good time!

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Ep. 64: Take Me Out to the Ballgame, Take Me Out to the Game

Parks n Wrecked Logo - A podcast about Parks and Rec

Listen to “Take Me Out to the Ballgame, Take Me Out to the Game” on Spreaker.

Dave the Cop returns to try and win Leslie back. Meanwhile, Ben still can’t speak normally around police officers, and Andy is trying to write a hit song, but he sadly can’t recreate the magic of 5,000 Candles in the Wind…but maybe he CAN with a little help from one Duke Silver.

On our end, Joey is butchering trivia left and right, Haleigh knows some people who are very quick at peeing, and we give plenty of speed dating advice to Sean. Feel free to share your best tips! Plus we chat mascots of our various schools.

Chris Traeger also does a brilliant job singing the classic hit “Take Me Out to the Ballgame.” But don’t just believe us – here it is.

Check out other episodes of Parks n Wrecked here. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter, too!

Dave Returns

Bohemian Black from Shiner

Rain Activities

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Ep. 63: Can We Please Find a Date for Ann?

Parks n Wrecked Logo - A podcast about Parks and Rec

Listen to “Can We Please Find a Date for Ann?” on Spreaker.

The Parks and Rec gang is looking to set up Ann on some dates, which is confusing, because Sean is right here. Meanwhile, Chris Traeger is SO VERY INCREDIBLY sad after his breakup with Millicent Gergich. Ben, Ron, and Andy go on an adventure to solve Leslie’s complex scavenger hunt. Shenanigans ensue.

Plus, we talk Valentine’s Day hearts, movies that might be considered mildly questionable by today’s standards, and Sean discusses his own scavenger hunt prowess. Also, why is there no hip hop station here in Austin? We’re starting our own radio station!

Operation Ann

Gold Rush with Bourbon, Apple Juice, and Honey

Underrated Songs to Play at a Dance