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Ep. 74: We’re Taking a Trip to Washington!

Parks n Wrecked Logo - A podcast about Parks and Rec

Welcome to Season 5! *The crowd goes wild* Leslie, Ben, April, and Andy are all in Washington, D.C. doing very big important government things. Meanwhile, Ron is hosting a BBQ and literally only has the meat, which is still alive. Which one could argue is the most important part, but still. At least give us a plate or something, man. Sean is thrilled that Tom and Ann are no longer an item.

We’re sampling Cookies and Cream Twix because apparently we’re part-timing in ASMR nowadays. We’re putting a twist on trivia, AND we’re adding a new bit: Categories! Exciting stuff all around. Joey also shares a tip for those Instagram Boomerang users out there. And after Chris reprimands Ron, we do a little roleplaying of Sean being stern towards Haleigh. How does that turn out? Finally, Sean shares a crappy situation from work.

S5, E1: Ms. Knope Goes to Washington

Austin Eastciders Spiced Cider

Top 5 Side Items for a BBQ

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Ep. 73: A Season for the Ages

Parks n Wrecked Logo - A podcast about Parks and Rec

Season 4 is in the books! Sean gives a recap of the season, including some of his favorite moments, as well as his least favorite moments (spoiler: it’s anytime Tom and Ann are dating). Then we turn the tables and run him over with an AMA, where we pepper him with all the questions. Find out things like what’s happened with Sean’s enemy that keeps coming into his job, his greatest accomplishments at work, when he let a bunch of children run rampant all over the place, and a heartwarming moment that will make you smile. And we could all use a little more of those warm and fuzzy feelings, you know?

Sean also makes his prediction for Season 5, plus next week’s episode, “Ms. Knope Goes to Washington.” Will he be spot on or is he just a big dreamer? We’ll find out next time!

Homemade martinis with Tito’s Handmade Vodka, Oso de Oro Dry Vermouth, and kalamata olives

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Ep. 66: The Sweetest Sweet Sixteen

Parks n Wrecked Logo - A podcast about Parks and Rec

Jerry’s celebrating his 64th birthday (aka his Sweet Sixteen) and the gang is excited! Just kidding, they totally forgot. Meanwhile, Leslie is doing too much multitasking between her campaign and parks and rec duties, leading to lots of hilarious misadventures. We get lots of Champion in this episode, which is always a plus. And we learn a fun fact about Donna this episode, and it’s a huge part of our trivia. HOW FUN!

Tom and Ann are dating and it’s making Sean FURIOUS. Perhaps swayed by Champion’s screen time, our own pup mascot Franxie is trying to make appearances on this episode, too – you may hear her barking in the background. That’s very sweet of her. We also teach you about Trifecta, a terrific drinking game you can play at your next house party or social gathering.

Sweet Sixteen

Mighty Swell Cherry Lime

Lakehouse Activities