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Ep. 74: We’re Taking a Trip to Washington!

Parks n Wrecked Logo - A podcast about Parks and Rec

Welcome to Season 5! *The crowd goes wild* Leslie, Ben, April, and Andy are all in Washington, D.C. doing very big important government things. Meanwhile, Ron is hosting a BBQ and literally only has the meat, which is still alive. Which one could argue is the most important part, but still. At least give us a plate or something, man. Sean is thrilled that Tom and Ann are no longer an item.

We’re sampling Cookies and Cream Twix because apparently we’re part-timing in ASMR nowadays. We’re putting a twist on trivia, AND we’re adding a new bit: Categories! Exciting stuff all around. Joey also shares a tip for those Instagram Boomerang users out there. And after Chris reprimands Ron, we do a little roleplaying of Sean being stern towards Haleigh. How does that turn out? Finally, Sean shares a crappy situation from work.

S5, E1: Ms. Knope Goes to Washington

Austin Eastciders Spiced Cider

Top 5 Side Items for a BBQ

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Ep. 67: Jen Barkley is Shaking Things Up!

Parks n Wrecked Logo - A podcast about Parks and Rec

We got new POP filters, y’all. And how fitting, because this episode is poppin’ with new character Jennifer Barkley. She’s leading the campaign for Bobby Newport and has become quite the thorn in Leslie Knope’s side. She and Ben Wyatt are trying to get the support of the elderly community, but Jen Barkley always seems to be two steps ahead. How can they persevere?

Meanwhile, the citizens of Pawnee can’t stop putting their entire mouths on water fountains. Ann and the crew try to solve the issue, and thanks to some creative thinking from April, the job gets done. Will that lead to a promotion for April? We’ll JUST HAVE TO FIND OUT.

Plus we’re talking how easily new phones can break, express our amazement at how quickly Sean can slam 11 cookies from McDonald’s, and chat about some of the best classic Britney Spears songs. Sean still doesn’t appreciate how Perd Hapley speaks, but on the plus side, he comes through with a last-second Top 5 shake up! We dive into our favorite shakes. YUM.

S4, E17: Campaign Shake-Up

Shiner Premium

Types of Milkshakes