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Ep. 45: Everyone is Drunk and Fighting

Parks n Wrecked Logo - A podcast about Parks and Rec

Listen to “Everybody Is Drunk and Fighting” on Spreaker.

In this episode, Leslie and Ann get in a BIG fight. Also everyone is hopped up on Snake Juice. Plus, we talk about our worst drunk fights, the one time Sean kicked someone in the face, when Joey elbowed someone whilst line dancing, how no one seems to remember Homestar Runner anymore, the worst interview questions, and what it means to put a pineapple upside down in your grocery cart. With special guest Cameron Lagrone.

Be sure to holler at us on Facebook and Twitter!

S3, E13: The Fight

Homemade Snake Juice

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Ep. 44: Those Eagleton Snobs!

Parks n Wrecked Logo - A podcast about Parks and Rec

Listen to “Those Eagleton Snobs!” on Spreaker.

In this episode, we finally meet those terrible folks from Eagleton, led by guest star Parker Posey. They’re the worst! In other news, it’s Sean’s birthday! We talk about getting older and hurting yourself during activities like playing kickball, how stupid these new Snapchat filters are (and not in the way you think), the mystique of Lizzo, and why the wiffle ball game in this episode reminds us of the nostalgic classic Backyard Baseball. Sean also has to deal with a mess at work LIVE ON AIR. What else could be better?

We always share some things we discuss on our social channels, so be sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook!

S3, E12: Eagleton

Rose Dry Cider from Austin Eastciders

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Ep. 43: What a Beautiful Painting!

Parks n Wrecked Logo - A podcast about Parks and Rec

Listen to “What a Beautiful Painting!” on Spreaker.

We’ve got a special guest this episode – look at us go! Daniel Barnes, CEO and founder of Treaty Oak Distilling, comes on with a delightful look at how each offering of the distillery is the embodiment of a Parks and Rec character. Daniel is also hugely passionate about diversity and inclusion in his industry, and it’s awesome to hear what Treaty Oak is doing to be more inclusive.

Additionally, we talk about scaring people, crying during movies, and the different ways you can censor out nudity. Joey tells a story and says “like” about 45 times in 32 seconds. Sean has also eaten a lot of chili, so he’s especially fiery (in more ways than one).

We always share some things we discuss on our social channels, so be sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook!

S3, E11: Jerry’s Painting

All the goodies from Treaty Oak Distilling

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Ep. 42: Online Dating and Burger Cook-Offs

Parks n Wrecked Logo - A podcast about Parks and Rec

Listen to “Online Dating and Burger Cook-Offs” on Spreaker.

In this episode, Leslie gives online dating a shot. Ron and Chris have a burger cook-off. Tom gives us a ton of new slang for referencing food. We talk about the most obese cities in the country, Sour Skittles destroying your mouth, and that episode of Arthur when he punches his sister. Plus the greatest cat name OF ALL TIME.

We always share some things we discuss on our social channels, so be sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook!

S3, E10: Soulmates

A Margarita to celebrate Cinco de Mayo!

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Ep. 41: Andy and April Host a Fancy Party

Parks n Wrecked Logo - A podcast about Parks and Rec

Listen to “Andy and April Host a Fancy Party” on Spreaker.

Andy and April are hosting a fancy party, but are things all that they seem? Meanwhile, Donna and Ann hit up a singles night. On our end, Sean has a LOT of gripes. We talk about taking the charge on random people, not noticing cute dogs, giving wedding speeches and being flower girls, obscure celebrity sightings at the airport, and the terrible people that like to spoil shows and movies, like, oh…say, Game of Thrones and Avengers Endgame.

We always share some things we discuss on our social channels, so be sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook!

S3, E9: Andy and April’s Fancy Party

Mighty Swell Cherry Lime with Treaty Oak Waterloo No. 9 Gin and Brisk Iced Tea with Lemon

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Ep. 40: Camping, Glamping, and Tom Haverford-ing

Parks n Wrecked Logo - A podcast about Parks and Rec

Listen to “Camping, Glamping, and Tom Haverford-ing” on Spreaker.

Pack up your SkyMall items, y’all – we’re going camping! After conquering the Harvest Festival, Leslie Knope looks for her next big idea. Will she find it? Let’s see! On top of all that, we discuss the bold strategy of clapping during movies, glamping, water obstacle courses (including the saddest iteration of The Blob ever) and why there are so many cats at the bed and breakfast.

We always share some things we discuss on our social channels, so be sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook!

S3, E8: Camping

Mionetto Cartizze

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Ep. 39: The Most Li’l Sebastian Harvest Festival Ever

Parks n Wrecked Logo - A podcast about Parks and Rec

Listen to “The Most Li'l Sebastian Harvest Festival Ever” on Spreaker.

Li’l Sebastian! Is there anything that horse can’t do? The Pawnee crew is putting on the best Harvest Festival yet, so it’s time to get lost in a corn maze. We talk curses, the trouble of dealing with mechanics, and how spectacular it is that there are both Tom and Jerry and Ben and Jerry references in this episode. Special shout out to *How to Avoid Huge Ships*, as well. Great read.

We always share some things we discuss on our social channels, so be sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook! You can also hit us up on [][4].

S3, E7: Harvest Festival

Drink of the Episode
Cape Route from Winc Wine Club

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Ep. 38: Give Me All the Bacon and Eggs You Have

Listen to “Give Me All the Bacon and Eggs You Have” on Spreaker.

We’re packing our bags and headed to Indianapolis in an episode filled with good quotes, good food, and terrible smells. We cover steaks, talk about The Rock hosting SNL, get interrupted by a phone call, and pay homage to Dallas Mavericks legend Dirk Nowitzki, who played his final game last night. What fun!

We always share some things we discuss on our social channels, so be sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook!

S3, E6: Indianapolis

Drink of the Episode
Original Dark Horse Merlot

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Ep. 36: Ron Swanson Loses His Mustache Yet Again

Listen to “Ron Swanson Loses His Mustache Yet Again” on Spreaker.

Ron loses his mustache? That can only mean one thing: Tammy is back. The crew deals with Ron getting cornrows (and married), and we learn about Ben’s love of calzones. We also chat about weird names, causing a scene in school, and that time Parks n Wrecked mascot Franxie brought in a mouse from the great outdoors. Yikes.

We always share some things we discuss on our social channels, so be sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook!

S3, E4: Ron and Tammy: Part Two

Drink of the Episode
Angry Orchard Crisp Apple Cider

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Ep. 35: A Letter to Myself in 5 Years

Parks n Wrecked Logo - A podcast about Parks and Rec

Listen to “A Letter To Myself in 5 Years” on Spreaker.

When we started this episode, we were discussing time capsules and braces. By the time we finished it, we had read a letter that high school Sean wrote to himself five years in the future. And it is QUITE the dandy. Were you this elegant as a senior in high school? It turns out Haleigh was right – there ARE Reese’s packs with three peanut butter cups in them!

We always share some things we discuss on our social channels, so be sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook!

S3, E3: Time Capsule

Drink of the Episode
Live Oak Hefeweizen