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Hey there! Thanks for checking out the Parks n Wrecked podcast. We hope you’re having a fantastic day, and we’re here to make it even better. Here’s a little preview of what you can expect:

Joey and Haleigh have seen every episode of the hit TV show Parks and Recreation. Sean hasn’t seen a single episode. That’s a problem because Sean works in the Parks and Recreation Department in Austin, Texas. Luckily, we’re here to fix things by tackling one episode at a time – all while enjoying some fabulous beverages.

If you’re like Sean and haven’t seen any episodes of Parks and Recreation either, that’s okay. You can still enjoy this podcast. Or maybe you’re like Joey and Haleigh and have taken in each and every episode, maybe even more than once. You’ll like this podcast, too. Perhaps you’re an in-betweener, and have seen some episodes, or like to reference Ron Swanson quotes, or look up to a number of inspirational female leaders like Leslie Knope. Whatever your familiarity with the show is, we’re happy to have you. It’s time to get Parks n Wrecked.

We also love hearing from you! Feel free to reach out to us at parkswreckedpod at gmail dot com, or use the contact form below.

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